In 2017 the Foundation for Louisiana embarked on an ambitious and bold endeavor to transform the way in which racial equity is perceived and addressed in Louisiana by launching the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) framework with support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
The Louisiana TRHT team aims to support, connect, and expand racial healing efforts to build a broad community of practice. Justice spaces, often made up of Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) directly impacted by racial injustice, need the tools, spaces, and resources for self care and healing from ongoing trauma and wounds rooted in white supremacy. As we work to create a more just and joyous world, it is essential that those most impacted by systemic injustices have the opportunity to heal as individuals through therapy, yoga, acupuncture, and other healing modalities.
In order to increase access to critical healing services we launched the TRHT Healing Justice Practitioner Grants. The program aims to support the creation or sustaining of healing spaces for community members, local and statewide organizers, protesters, and community members. These grants will allow practitioners to expand their reach in specific ways so that healing modalities can be more accessible, centering the healing of the racialized trauma that manifests in the body, mind, and spirit. Our goal was to support those who make healing services accessible to activists, non-profits, protesters, frontline workers, and those essential to the work of justice and liberation in Louisiana.
Congratulations Healing Justice Practitioner Grantees! Thank you for your transformative work.
Alton Prejean Jr.
Culturally rooted hair care, cosmetic and facial massage services
Humanities Amped
Restorative practices including healing circles and restorative dialogues, mind-body medicine
Ellenie Cruz
Reiki, plant medicine, flower essences herbalism, birth work, midwifery, womb work, body work, steaming, divination, pipe ceremony, moxa, and more
Birth doula services, postpartum care, therapeutic massage and bodywork, energetic healing touch, reflexology, geriatric care, meditation and breathwork
The Maxine Firm
Lifestyle and health coaching including acupressure, herbs, exercise, and dietary advice; organizational health including racial healing and strategic planning; men’s wellness, plant-based and herbal medicine, nutrition; community gardening and instruction
Mama Jamilah
Talk therapy, body positivity, health coaching, story circles, dance and drumming circles, midwifery
Lakota sundance, prayer, herbalism and birth support
Toni Dee
Body work including yoga and mediation, holistic coaching
Frankie Robertson
Birth doula, community education, maternal wellness coaching
Progress with Portia
Mental health support group for Black men, information and education on topics dealing with health, business, mental health, spirituality, relationships, and more for African-Americans
Dr. Kim Quang, Dr. Rian Bush, and Rev. Denise Graves
Acupuncture, talk therapy, meditation and spiritual rituals
Root Wisdom Collective
Bodywork including massage and reiki, ritual and ancestral work, meditation and breath exercise, plant and kitchen medicine, yoga, pleasure activism, art therapy, healing workshops, self-awareness, and self-love; counseling and therapy including life coaching, sound healing, song, writing, journaling, and poetry
Conflict Resolution Institute of Louisiana
Community conflict resolutions via the inclusive model of community mediation, restorative circles, conflict coaching and training; organizational health support and accountability and healing processes for individuals, groups, and organizations